Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Purpose: To develop algorithm for the technology of interaction between main participants of railway freight transportation, ensuring downtime reduction and safety of cargo transportation. Methods: Algorithmizing method was used — development of flowchart for the process, reflecting the logic of traceability of requirements to working functions, basing on projecting functional-logical architecture for the process of freight transportation paperwork. Results: Intellectualization of transport company employees’ actions is associated with a variety of transportation technologies, including digital ones. Namely this is becoming a key element which ensures meeting requirements of speed and safety of transportations to working competences and intensity of transport organizations’ employees. Main research results are: formalization of JSC “Russian Railways” employees’ and consignors’ actions and their compliance with processing results; flowchart building for process “Way Bill Approval” with fixating the process main tasks with their corresponding linkage to fulfiller’s labor functions. Effectiveness evaluation of algorithmizing the process “Way Bill Approval” in accordance with the algorithm target functional was performed. Practical significance: Time savings at the formation of waybills, reduction of direct costs on the actions of freight transportation informational provision and increasing customer focus of the company were proved by conducted monetization assessment.

Freight documentation, flowchart, optimization and visualization of informational processing, labor action intellectualization
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