Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Purpose: Scientific and practical proposals for the synchronization of complex construction flows (belt-way). Determination of ordinal and transitive ratios of complex flow paces, depending on the priorities of commissioning of belt-way sections and resources allocation on these fronts of work. The linking of specialized flows of highway complex construction is carried out according to linear and network schedules, taking into account critical path and the ratio of the paces of flows. Pace priorities are determined by target graph. Obtaining productive option for highway construction organization according to the ratio: "multilevel inter–object interconnection of flow paces — productive exploitational-target indicators of completed transport bypass" Methods: Building of multi-level target hierarchical model for transport bypass construction. Determination of construction flow pace set for all kinds of works and facilities and their reflection on the set of exploitational-target indicators at megapolis highway bypass construction. Operational analysis of options for combinations of construction flow paces. Determination of effective pace combination option to achieve construction general goal. Results: The necessity to take into account the interconnection between the paces of multilevel construction flows and exploitational-target indicators of intermediate and full readiness of a highway is indicated. The possibility to find productive options for organizing transport bypass construction by target priorities has been obtained. Practical significance: The proposed calculations can be recommended for obtaining effective organizational-technological solutions at projection and construction of city transport bypasses.

City transport bypasses, construction organization project, set theory, linear operator, graph theory, target graph, technological graph, priority, construction flow type, work fronts
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