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Abstract (English):
Purpose: To assess increase dynamics of the number of electric vehicles (electric buses) in the Russian Federation, to consider the factors leading to their ignition and to assess the risk of such an accident. To propose measures to reduce consequence severity of electric vehicle (electric bus) ignition. Methods: Information review on this issue from various sources was made. Results: Increase dynamics of electric vehicle number in Russia was assessed which shows at the moment almost annual doubling of electric vehicle number in the country. It is shown that electric vehicle ignition frequency is much lower than that of vehicles with gas-engine. However, the electric vehicle fire develops according to different scenario than of the vehicles with gas-engine and, as a rule, with more severe consequences. The factors leading to the ignition of electric vehicles (thermal runaway in battery due to thermal, mechanical and electrical impacts) and the main dangers arising from their combustion are determined. Modern methods to prevent electric vehicle fires as well as methods of their extinguishing are considered. Practical significance: Measures are proposed to reduce electric vehicle fire risk and measures to reduce such fire consequences.

Electric vehicles, ignition factors leading to combustion, thermal runaway, electric vehicle fire prevention, electric vehicle fire extinguishing
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