Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Purpose: Analysis of the problem of choosing the optimal set of machines in the building of transport construction facilities. The problem of choosing equipment rational combination choice in earthmoving sets is always relevant. Construction process productivity, construction time, labor costs, production costs and many other indicators of construction efficiency depend on how rationally equipment is chosen in machine construction sets. Methods: The calculation formulas of reliability theory, the theory of large systems and mass service theory are the tool for the research and analysis of the issue of machine optimal set choice at transport facility construction. Since construction processes, being considered by the author, possess all the features of large systems, they are dynamic and can be probabilistically predictable. Results: The article proposes options for rational combination of earth-moving and transport equipment for "excavator - dump trucks" systems in relation to sets of equipment with machines having different technical parameters and for different ranges of soil transportation. The presented variants are obtained by calculation using mathematical apparatus of reliability and mass service theories. Practical significance: The results, presented by the authors, are proposed in easy-to-use tabular form and have practical significance, since if used by construction organizations, they are capable to increase construction process productivity and to reduce facility construction time.

Mass service theory, earth-moving and transporting equipment, probability theory, rational combination of construction equipment, construction process productivity, earthworks
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