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Abstract (English):
Purpose: Measuring is an important process for finding any physical quantity values. Any measurement primary requirement is an accuracy. Processes are being replaced, improved and automated gradually. Geometric parameter measurement has become one of the most popular processes in all industries. With its improvements, the first achievements have begun. The development of the usage of remote measurements to determine wheelset geometric parameters will give huge advantages over manual measurements for railway industry as they will facilitate and accelerate measurement process with minimal error. The article is devoted to the study of remote measurement application to determine wheelset geometric parameters. The article considers the advantages of remote measurement usage when conducting wheelset geometric research. The authors propose methods and algorithms that can be used for more accurate definition of wheelset geometric parameters. The authors also propose a number of recommendations on the use of remote measurements at wheelset investigation to achieve maximum measurement accuracy. In addition, the risks of manual templates, which remote measurement method helps to avoid, are considered. Besides the measurements themselves, which are implemented by manual and remote methods, their calibrations are also considered. The calibration of manual template UT-1 in accordance with its calibration methodology is described as well as the difficulties in the calibration of wheelset control system 3DWheel on a move are given, the scheme, which shows the components for this template calibration, is given. In conclusion, the authors discuss the prospects of further use of remote measurements to research wheelset geometry. The work purpose is to consider the application of remote measurements to define wheelset geometric parameters. Methods: Evaluation of the use of remote measurements to determine wheelset geometric parameters on tester examples. Results: The possibility to use remote measurements to define wheelset geometric parameters is determined, advantages and disadvantages over manual measurements are revealed. Practical importance: The capability of using remote measurements to define wheelset geometric parameters is evaluated that’ll lower the costs on hand template transportation for template periodic calibration and reduce the time spent on metrological maintenance.

Remote measurement, informational technologies, wheelset, manual measurements, UT-1 template, error
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