Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Purpose: To conduct research on obtaining data, that ties lithium-ion battery voltage to perturbing effects of current flow, to synthesize accumulator equivalent circuit, to obtain algorithm for calculating element parameters for accumulator equivalent circuit on experimental data basis with subsequent check of the model adequacy. Methods: Prognosing battery work that doesn’t correspond to real one at accumulator equivalent circuit synthesis. Equivalent-circuit models of cells plays a battery state though they do not possess all characteristics of physical model. Results: Algorithm for lithium-ion battery equivalent circuit synthesis has been considered, physical experiment on finding accumulator equivalent circuit parameters was conducted, mathematical model on the research results has been compiled and its adequacy has been confirmed. Practical significance: The pursued study made it possible to work out algorithm for calculating parameters to form the algorithm of lithium-ion battery functional diagnosis.

Lithium-ion battery, functional diagnostics, equivalent circuit, internal resistance of the battery
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