Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Purpose: In the frames of ongoing digital transformation of transport complex in a whole and railway transport in particular, to give brief analytical characterization of being developed digital platforms and services. To consider promising technologies that are either at launch stage or on the way to the peak of overpriced expectations as to technological hype cycle of Gartner Research Company. To give an example of unified knowledge base as a basis of digital platform for multimodal transportation. Methods: Methods for visual structuring of information were used, in particular, mental maps (intellect-maps). To represent subject area ontology, a semantic network was used as a method for knowledge representation. Results: The pursued analysis of being developed and existing digital platforms and services has shown that besides data, there should lie at their basis more complex informational units — an active knowledge. This requires the method of data integration from disparate sources, their integration and circulation as within one industry as well as between various industries in order of knowledge generation and spread. In view of work specifics of transport various kinds, participating in multimodal transportations, the subject area, uniting all kinds of transport, should be chosen for this. The application of "cargo transportation" subject area has been justified by virtue of which, it is necessary to create management system of cargo flows on railway transport. Ontology fragment, describing "cargo transportation" domain for railway transport, has been worked out. Practical significance: The necessity of applying active knowledge to create autonomous intellectual productions on transport is shown. The use of knowledge bases, established on ontologies, will allow to raise the level of interaction of transport various kinds in "narrow" places during cargo transshipment as well as to expand the range of services, provided to customers.

Multimodal transportations, knowledge bases, ontologies, cargo traffic management, digital transformation
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