Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Purpose: Data decomposition and classification development for the management of telecommunication network configurations and for the formation of such data management process set with the use of special database which basis on, the formation of requirements for database subsystem projection given the consistency of data about a control object and the system capabilities for this object management. Systematization of configuration data, of configuration element attributes as well as their logical consistency with the processes of the control and management of a state in promising management system subsystems. Methods: Fundamentals of complex process management theory, information storage and presentation system theory, object-oriented projection methods, decomposition method for representing process logic and data analysis about control object as well as theoretic-set approach for describing data set. Results: Decomposition of the tasks has been obtained which are realized by the components of telecommunication network configuration management special database; data sets about configuration elements have been formed. The requirements for promising control system subsystem that embodies the functionality of special database for telecommunications network configuration element management have been presented. Trends for further research in the direction to develop algorithms and models of telecommunication network configuration management with the help of special database have been proposed. Practical significance: The obtained decomposition and classification of data for telecommunication network configuration management is characterized by unique approach and dedication to telecommunication network management system subsystem logical structure, required for promising projection, as well as allows to formulate requirements for modeling the processes of telecommunication network configuration element management.

Telecommunication network, management system, object-oriented database, knowledge base, CMDB, communication network configuration, communication network configuration management, configuration elements
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