Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Purpose: Development of new technology for automated solution for railway design tasks in informational-digital environment. Methods: Structural system analysis methodology, system theory, the principle of decomposition are applied. Results: Based on analysis results for structure and functional possibilities of widely used modern systems of railway and highway automated design, the procedures sequence for existing technology of railway automated design was defined. Functional model of railway automated design system in informational-digital environment, based on the application of informational modeling technologies, data mining and mathematical optimization methods, is proposed. Practical significance: The proposed functional model represents the basis for the development of automated design system that will allow implementing new technology for railway automated design, reducing labor costs and time for the development of design solutions, improving their quality and efficiency.

Automated computer design, railway, informational modeling, informational model, informational-digital environment, terrain digital model, structural system analysis, functional modeling
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