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Abstract (English):
Purpose: To develop prognosis methodology for road pavement longitudinal evenness, depending on road construction durability change (of road wearing and ground roadbed) on the basis of the analysis of existing practice of relationship estimation between inner deformations and undulation occurrence on a pavement. Methods: Statistical and analytical. Application of the Palmgren — Miner hypothesis on the dependence of road construction durability from actual and allowable number of applied calculated loads. Results: Based on Palmgren — Miner hypothesis, an equation to determine the coefficients of road construction durability is proposed given linear accumulations of fatigue strains versus time. Calculations are performed and the results obtained are theoretically justified. The dependences of the change of road pavement actual evenness from the changes in the coefficient of road construction durability for highways of II, III and IV categories are determined. Methods of operative definition of road construction durability resource has been developed. Practical significance: The methods allow to determine the value and prospective change in road pavement evenness for calculated period of highway exploitation (for service life between repairs).

Highway, road wearing, evenness, evenness index, IRI, safety factor, estimated load, modulus of elasticity
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