Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Purpose: To evaluate the reduction in power specific consumption by freight mainline loco-motives 2(3)ES5S when operating in power-efficient mode (automatic speed control in com-bination with discrete-adaptive switch on/off of Traction Electric Drive depending on an in-stantaneous load), obtained from the results of operational tests. Methods: Array records analysis of on-board recorder made it possible to establish the nature of the dependence of locomotive efficiency degree from its power consumption. Way for controlling multi-engine traction electric drive efficiency in traction mode has been developed and patented. Computer modeling has allowed to obtain preliminary estimate to increase power efficiency. Speed au-tomatic controller block is built using finite automation theory method. The proposed changes, aimed at locomotive power efficiency improvement, have been introduced into top-level con-trol system. Final ratings of power consumption have been obtained during operational trials. Results: The analysis of results obtained during two trips on about 7-thousand-ton mass trains along section with hilly profile of 108 km length is presented. Ceteris paribus, during second trip, when electric locomotive was operating in power-efficient mode (discrete-adaptive con-trol of operating traction drive number in combination with speed automatic control), specific consumption reduction of electric power for traction was achieved on 25% in comparison with the first trip when all 12 traction motors were constantly working. Practical importance: Long-term development program of JSC Russian Railways provides for cost consistent reduc-tion for electric power that’s a purchased (consumed) product. In particular, optimization is planned in such direction as reducing specific consumption of power and fuel for train trac-tion.

Freight mainline electric locomotive, operational trials, traction discrete-adaptive control, power-efficient traction mode, speed automatic controller, electric power specific consumption reduction
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