Russian Federation
Purpose: The conduction of experimental studies in the conditions of locomotive depot, the transition to mathematical modeling of wheel-motor block for the conditions of diagnostics position, not allowing disassembly, of traction electric motor bearings. Methods: Diagnostic complexes allowing to determine wheel-motor block technical state in locomotive depots. In order to determine the approaches for the choice and evaluation of power source parameters for vibroacoustic diagnostics position, not allowing disassembly, of wheel-motor blocks of locomotive depot the analysis of designing methodology for wheel-motor block mathematical model was carried out. Results: Inertia moment of wheelset connected to electric motor anchor is determined for the conditions of diagnostics process of bearing units of a wheel-motor block. Practical significance: Experiment in "Uzbekiston" locomotive depot of JSC "Uzbekiston Temir Yullari" to determine inertia moment of wheel-motor block and resistance to rotation moment was carried out.
Electric rolling stock, power source, traction electric motor, wheel-motor block, vibroacoustic diagnostics, inertia moment
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