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Abstract (English):
Purpose: To formulate proposals for configuring terminal-warehouse infrastructure for the placement of storage facilities inside a transport hub. Methods: Basing on the analysis of pub-lications in the trend of the research data, optimization geometric Euclidean model of freight process, embodied on the territory of a transport hub, was applied to find optimal cargo flow distribution by dividing the flow into parts representing “influence areas”. Results: optimiza-tion algorithm for freight process was developed in the article on the basis of classical integral calculus methods, the algorithm allows to discover those ones among many distributive center possible locations which allows in view of restriction complex to determine “influence area” of distributive center with the largest area in comparison with the initial area. Practical signifi-cance: Economic effect was obtained from base rental rate reduction that is due to possible change of logistic freight distribution center location outside dense urban development territo-ry where base rental rate is higher.

Warehouse logistics, transport hub, logistic freight distributive center, economic-geographical method, Rostov transport hub, optimization of cargo flow distributions, retail trade network, oligopolistic market, duopoly, higher order algebraic curves
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