Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Purpose: Investigation of aerodynamic effect on high-speed train pantograph using CFD-analysis method in FlowSimulation environment of SolidWorks software given uneven distribution of air high-speed mass flows in atop-car part of a rolling stock. Methods: Theoretical research was based on the application of the theory of constructive relations and continuum methods. Mathematical modeling was performed on a PC applying software products which use the means of computational fluid dynamics. Results: Refined digital model of a current collector has been developed which takes into account interaction nature in “current collector — contact wire” system under aerodynamic drag conditions. Practical significance: Device for the deflection of air masses when flowing around a current collector (a spoiler) is proposed that makes it possible to get rid of negative effects of: aerodynamic drag, filling-in construction pockets with snow masses and lever system icing consequences.

Railway track, railway line Angren-Pan, passenger transportation, current collector, pantograph, aerodynamic drag, frontal airflow, calculation of aerodynamic forces, aerodynamic device, CFD-modeling
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