Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Objective: Based on experimental studies of vibrations of Vityaz-M tram car occurring at speeds of 50 km/h or more on track straight sections with P65 rails on reinforced-concrete sleepers, to evaluate the effect of transversal vibrations on traffic safety and passenger comfort. To show the inconsistency of existing regulatory documentation on the structure and maintenance of tram tracks and tram chassis with the development prospects. Methods: Experimental measurements of vibration accelerations of tram body and tram chassis, having different mileage, when moving along track experimental section. Measurement and analysis of geometric parameters of rail track experimental section and of trams. Results: Measurements of vibration accelerations occurring during tram motion with 20 to 50 km/h speeds were performed as well as geometric parameter analysis for rail track experimental section and rolling stock wheels’ profiles, participated in the tests, was pursued. During the races, vibration accelerations that occur during movement were measured in three directions — longitudinal, transversal and vertical. The appearance of transversal vibrations of tram body affecting passenger discomfort and traffic safety has been confirmed. The root mean-square values of the amplitudes of vibration accelerations towards three directions in acceleration gravity (g) fractions have been obtained in two variants — at trolley motion between joints and at joints. Vibration acceleration frequency analysis has confirmed a sharp increase in the amplitude of transversal vibrations at frequencies in the region of 1–2 Hz at a speed of 50 km/h for a tram with worn wheels. The compliance of rail track experimental section geometry with the accepted standards as well as the compliance of rolling stock wheels dimensions with constructive documentation are noted. Practical significance: The need for further comprehensive study of the interaction of track and rolling stock while high-speed tram introduction with the purpose to improve existing standards on the structure and maintenance of tram tracks and tram chassis.

Tram, high-speed tram, vibration of rolling stock, vibrations of rolling stock, vibration acceleration, amplitude of vibrations
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