Russian Federation
Purpose: To develop a model for the evaluation and analysis of control logical channels (CC) performance quality of GSM-R radiocommunication standard. Methods: Performance process of shared control channel is presented in the form of a stochastic network with further obtaining equivalent function, average time and the function of distributing the time of information transfer in data transmission channel. Results: Mathematical model of shared CC performance process has been developed, corresponding to the algorithm of establishing connection of a mobile user with a network base station. The modeling results allow to conclude on the model adequacy and to assess the degree of various kind interference impact in a given area, including those created by violator’s jammers. The feasibility of reducing analysis time of the parameters of signals, transmitted from a mobile to base station, as well as the need to increase the noise immunity of signals for the control of entry into communication, received signal level and quality are shown. Practical significance: This model can be used to evaluate and analyze performance efficiency of control channels of GSM-R standard mobile radiocommunication real systems.
Radiocommunication, GSM-R, communication channel, control channel, frame, communication standard, model
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