Russian Federation
Omsk, Omsk, Russian Federation
Omsk, Omsk, Russian Federation
Purpose: To review algorithm methodology for the addition of a new material to Qform Heat Treatment Module database with further adequacy assessment of the model by the method of the comparison its microhardness distribution with experimental data. Methods: Technique for the modeling of heat treatment (hardening) of samples from steels 60 and 40Cr in QFORM Heat Treatment software module has been developed. Algorithm for new material addition into software package database with adequacy further assessment for built model by the method of comparison of obtained data on distribution of microhardness over a section while process modeling in Qform with laboratory experiment data is presented. Results: Models of hardness distribution over the diametrical section of hardened cylindrical samples from steel 60 and adapted steel 40X, built into QFORM Heat treatment database. Comparison of modeling results with experimental data on hardness distribution of hardened samples. Practical significance: The results, obtained in this work, represent algorithm for replenishing the database of Qform Heat Treatment Module, created for the purpose to carry out heat treatment procedures for steels and nonferrous alloys. During experiment pursuing, it was established that the model of added to the database material demonstrates adequacy high degree. The expansion of the database of given materials of the given Module will allow its widespread application in the industries which activities are related to heat treatment.
Heat treatment, computer simulation, Qform, hardening, microhardness, hypoeutectoid steels
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