Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute
Purpose: To consider the issues of building and using digital models of riverbeds for to ensure technosphere safety on inland waterways on the example of river Pur. Methods: Collection, processing of the data of observations of water bodies and their transfer into electronic format with further analysis. Results: To ensure technosphere safety, digital model of riverbed Pur in the upper reaches is presented and meteorological and hydrological characteristics in the area of study are renewed. Air temperature difference is shown according to the current regulatory documents (SP 131.13330.2020 “Construction climatology”) and average for 30 years (basic climatic period is from 1991 to 2020) indicators. Practical importance: The need to clarify meteorological and hydrological characteristics in changing climate conditions is shown. To maintain dimensional parameters of riverbeds it is recommended to create the digital models. The work results can be recommended to practical use. The work main conclusion is that digital model use in shipping sphere can significantly facilitate tasks implementation. The main advantage of these models use is a visualization — one can easily and quickly identify problem areas with the help of the model. Obtaining information from the model, for example, of transverse profile, is being made in a couple of minutes also. When terrain changes, for example, after dredging works, it wouldn’t be difficult to introduce all changes to the model.
Technosphere safety, inland waterways, digital model of riverbed, water regime, river Pur
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