Control System of Crane Electric Drive of Platform Type on the Basis of Controller with Fuzzy Logic
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Abstract (English):
Control system on fuzzy logic basis is modelled for the electric drive of main motion of crane, located on a platform. As a basis for controllers, fuzzy logic theory and standard settings are used. The model of control system powered part is built according to vectorial control approach, with electric drive with rotor flux reference vector. Control system is implemented by submittal regulation mode with classic controller of current and with speed fuzzy controller, together, current inner circuit is setup on modular optimum. The purpose of system model development is energetical characteristics improvement at power supply from the sources with limited capacity and at meeting the requirements on control quality. In comparison with control system with speed fuzzy controller, the system of secondary regulation with current inner circuit, adjusted to modular optimum, and with speed outer circuit, adjusted to symmetric optimum, is used. The obtained parameters and setup logic of fuzzy controller of mathematical model may be used as a basis for programming in control systems. In being changed work outdoor conditions, the correction of such controller parameters is embodied by personnel on the basis of understandable logic rules and functions of belonging.

control system, fuzzy logic, electric drive, mathematical modelling, controller
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