Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Purpose: To develop an informational model of a promising database in the system of management of telecommunication network which uses Carrier Ethernet technology for to ensure the efficiency of storage, access and update of data on the telecommunication network functioning that will allow to increase the operativeness of implementation of OAM (Operation, Administration and Management) control-management built-in processes at timely and reasonable decision-making on telecommunication network management in conditions of high dynamics of changes in the network state as well as in view of Carrier Ethernet technology specificities. Thus, in order to provide services of given quality, an information model of database in telecommunication network management system has been created with indication of information main sources which’re represented by subsystems and models of telecommunications network management system in accordance with the previously developed three-level conceptual model. Also, to achieve the stated goal a logical structure of the obtained database information model on the example of domain objects has been developed. Methods: Fundamentals of complex process management theory; theory of multi-agent systems of management of distributed object; theory of systems of information storage and presentation; object-oriented projection method; set-theoretic approach for the description of data set about a control object. Results: The obtained informational model of database and the developed logical three-level structure of functioning are described verbally and mathematically. The evaluation of functioning of the proposed logical structure of the database in the system of telecommunication network management using Carrier Ethernet technology and OAM mechanisms is given. The directions of further research towards development of the models of major processes of collection, processing and provision of data on functioning of subsystems in the system of telecommunications network management are proposed. Practical significance: The developed informational model of database in the system of telecommunications network management differs from well-known ones by the possibility of accounting for and including in the data of the implementation of the complex of unique models of functioning and management of Carrier Ethernet telecommunication network and the mechanisms of OAM management, that were previously obtained by the authors and represent subsystems in the telecommunications network management system with the use of Carrier Ethernet technology possibilities.

Telecommunication network, control system, object-oriented database, knowledge base, intelligent system
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