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Abstract (English):
Purpose: Risk management issue study on automation project when confirming a compliance procedure. Methods: Risk factors analysis, potential risk area analysis, scenario analysis, logical-probabilistic approach and analogue method were used. Results: For risk productive management at introduction of projects on automation in a certification agency, it’s necessary to assess the risks of automation system projects, also to assess separately a certification agency at the implementation of the process for conformation of compliance and to assess these both factors in a complex. It is established that for internal monitoring in organizations, a risk-oriented approach is of demand which would help preventing possible problems. Automation use for the processes of certification agency operation will lead to the realization of transfer towards modern business system which will assist to embody planning and creation of economic reports as well as transfer to the use of modern standards in a control system; these standards will fully meet all necessary market requirements. Practical importance: It’s been shown that automation introduction into certification agency activities as well as risk timely identification and control of this project will make it possible for an organization to provide for necessary guarantees and to rise such working processes inside an enterprise as data organized saving, structuring and unification, the instant response to various requests, the formation and subsequent coordination of various projects, the creation of remote and group viewing as well as the possibility of joint correction in a common informational space, the download of user necessary apps, the broadcast of all orders and generated reports on work pursued.

Automation risks, product certification agency, compliance procedure
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