Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Review for used at the moment models and methods for the creation and optimization of shuttle timetables for urban and main transport is given in the article, major differences between post-Soviet and foreign experience in the technology of timetable and traffic schedule creation are considered. The article contains phased analysis of approaches to planning the work of urban transport. The issues of dividing the city transport network into routes, the problems of vehicle distribution between them are given, the mathematical models of shuttle transport timetables, the assignments of real vehicles of certain types to squads and drivers distribution between them for each date are presented, major reasons for using aperiodic urban transport traffic schedules on post-Soviet area are pointed. The history of the development of software automation systems for urban transport traffic schedules is narrated, there’re considered major approaches, implementing an automation for the creation of periodic, aperiodic and hybrid timetables and traffic schedules, for to develop modern informational systems for the being considered purposes.

shuttle transport schedule, periodic traffic schedule model, aperiodic traffic schedule model, hybrid traffic schedule model, urban transport
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