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Abstract (English):
Purpose: Development of mathematical models allowing to investigate the processes of aeroelastic interaction of a rolling stock with portal buildings of passover tunnels in dynamic and quasi-stationary setting with the use of deformable mobile nets and FrozenRotor methods. Methods: we present mathematical models and ways of their realization in two- and three-dimensional setting in program complexes Comsol Multiphysics and Solid Works Flow Simulation on the basis of numerical solution of Reynolds averaged NavierStoks Method (RANS) method equations. Results: The results of numerical research of velocity and pressure fields nearby tunnel portal zone, obtained with the help of developed mathematical models for the case of rolling stock entrance into a tunnel, ‘re given. Practical importance: It’s revealed that at train entrance into a tunnel, air mass runaway by a rolling stock is made with significant delay owing to effect of viscous friction force between an air and tunnel walls as well as inside air volume which fills a tunnel.

aerodynamic calculations, aeroelastic interaction, finite volume method RANS, deformable mobile nets, numerical modeling
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