Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Purpose: To characterize model, concept and composition of engineering entrepreneurship school project, including consideration of matters of topicality and practical significancy of educational system transition from traditional to in principle new forms, integrated into modern university digital ecosystem with account for world trends in digitalization, for digital economy state strategy provisions, intellectual priorities of industrial branch development. Methods: The work uses materials of Internet open sources as well as uses the program of PSTU (Petersburg State Transport University) development till 2030. Ecosystem approaches as well as modular and project-based ones are applied to work organization of the engineering entrepreneurship school. The methods of innovation management, engineering entrepreneurship and system analysis are used. Results: The study reflects conceptual basics of the development and introduction of an innovative educational model — Engineering Entrepreneurship School (EES) — created by the team of the first engineering transport university of Russia — Emperor Alexander I St. Petersburg State Transport University. The results of realization first experience of EES work stages, including EES appearance and architecture characterization, are presented. Practical significance: The application and subsequent scaling of PSTU unique experience as an industry university will allow to implement outrunning training with expanded scarce competencies of a human capital and will form growth points for transport education competitive ability in modern Industry 4.0.

Cargo transportation, containers, rail transport, supply chains
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