Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Purpose: To investigate the dependence of workload of an electric locomotive gear housing on the parameters of its attachment to a traction motor. To determine own oscillation frequencies under various conditions of its attachment to a traction motor. To propose technical solution allowing to reduce the workload of gear housing in the case of abnormal operation of its attachment to a traction motor. To propose an algorithm for housing lifetime calculation taking into account its fastening parameters. Methods: The values of gear housing own frequencies are obtained by solving the system of Lagrange differential equations of the second kind. Created with this purpose mathematical model of mechanical system under consideration takes into account an elastic nature of housing attachment to a traction motor. Results: The influence of conditions and parameters of gear housing attachment to a traction motor on its workload and, correspondingly, its lifetime is shown. The algorithm for gear housing lifetime calculation is proposed, taking into account its fastening conditions and parameters. The significant influence of workload abnormal modes on housing durability is shown. Practical importance: Constructive solution is proposed that reduces gear housing workload in the case of abnormal conditions of attachment to a traction motor. The algorithm for estimating gear housing durability in the case of redistribution of workloads between its reference points has been developed.

gear housing, bolt fastening, housing dynamics, workload dynamic workload, durability
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