Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
It’s accepted to divide aircraft automatic control into semi-automatic (director) and automatic. Semi-automatic (director) systems provide for the collection and analysis of information, delivered from navigation equipment. On aircraft position in space and give a command to a pilot. Aircraft management with the help of such piloting-navigational systems is called semi-automatic because information collection and processing on aircraft condition is automated but the control’s left to be manual. Automatic control systems provide not just for information collection and processing on aircraft state but also for management laws as well as for control process itself. A man implements functions on automatic system work control, on identifying, making decisions on inclusion of this or that program, function of "hot" reserve. Present article shows experiment organization and obtained results on research of the processes of airplane director management while failures of board calculator of trajectory control system with real pilot inclusion into circuit. The research is held on the stage of aircraft approach and landing. The experiment was held on special bench of half-real modeling.

aircraft, director control, automatic control, board calculator, automatic control systems, research benches, modeling complexes, experimental research, man-operator, half-real modeling bench, analog calculator, digital calculator, information support, board expert system
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