Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Objective: Investigation of deformations and stresses in solving problems of contact strength in the interaction of a railway wheel and rail. Methods: The main methods for determining the stress-strain state at the contact of two cylindrical bodies are given. The provisions of the theory of deformation of elastic bodies are used in the formulation of the plane problem of the theory of elasticity. Based on the methods of integrating a system of differential equations, the paper provides a solution in displacements when all boundary conditions are met of the spatial contact problem of the theory of elasticity during rolling and sliding of elastic bodies of the same material. Experiments were carried out to determine the creep coefficient during friction rolling of rollers in dry friction conditions. Results: The method of determining the stress-strain state in the contact zone, taking into account the sliding zones, is shown. Calculations of the stress components are performed by the analytical method. The influence of normal and tangential forces on the stress-strain state in the contact zone is shown. The danger of tensile stresses is shown. In this paper, in addition to the force boundary conditions, geometric conditions are formulated in detail, which must satisfy the mutual displacements and relative sliding velocities of elementary particles of the material at the points of the surface of the contacting bodies. Tangential forces in contact and linear deformation from their impact are determined. The values of the creep coefficient as a function of the thrust coefficient are obtained. Practical importance: The results obtained emphasize the significant effect of friction on reducing the contact fatigue life of the samples and will be useful in predicting the occurrence of wheel or rail failure during their interaction.

contact strength, stress-strain state, adhesion, friction
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