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Abstract (English):
Purpose: To show the need to clarify calculation dependencies in regulatory documents for determining the parameters of water hammer in pressure pipelines when using polymeric pipes. To substantiate the methods to calculate hydraulic shock for such pipelines taking into account the appearance possibility of flow discontinuities. To present the main methods aimed at prevention and minimization of the negative consequences of water hammers. Methods: Comparison of various methods for the calculation of parameters of water hammer. To describe the process of water hammer the mathematical method of analysis of infinitesimals and characteristic method are used. Results: It is shown that it is necessary to carry out at engineering stage of pressure systems using pipes made of polymeric materials the verification calculations for water hammer taking into account the appearance possibility of flow discontinuities there and to reflect it correspondingly in a normative literature. Practical importance: The results of the work are recommended to be taken into account when carrying out verification calculations of pressure pipelines made of polymeric materials in case of water hammer occurrence including with a break in flow continuity and developing the measures to prevent such phenomena.

engineering, pressure pipelines, polymeric materials, water hammer, flow continuity, flow discontinuity, method of characteristics
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