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Abstract (English):
Purpose: To purse analysis of longevity of world outstanding mathematicians whose life continued after living sixty years. To establish longevity levels for scientists born before and in the C20th. Methods: Models of longevity according to two samplings of scientists-mathematicians: born before and in the C20th, are built. Regression analysis and least square method are put on the basis of the model building. Results: Probability distribution functions for survival of outstanding scientists-mathematicians after they reached the age of sixty are determined using Excel package’s Regression tool. Practical significance: Comparative analysis of the distribution functions is made and the survival probabilities for two samplings have been determined. The analysis of life longevity of outstanding scientists-mathematicians who lived till ages of 60 is recommended complimenting statistics used in then job. An array of statistical data has been formed that’s made it possible to build models for estimating the probability of survival of mathematicians after 60 years. We’ve accepted construction and application of survival models based on two samplings of mathematicians born before and in C20th. Increasing levels of survival of the scientists born in C20th compared with those born before C20th have been established.

scientists-mathematicians, model, probability, age, survival indicator, demography
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