Russian Federation
UDK 697.9 Вентиляция. Кондиционирование воздуха
Purpose: To consider the issue on verification of numerical model of air exchange during the movement of a train in a subway tunnel, taking into account the process of interaction of regular ventilation with the piston effect of the displaced air by the body of the moving train. Methods: Data scanning and processing. The equipment used was a pressure cylindrical Pitot tube PFM 2 for measuring differential pressure and air flow velocity, volumetric flow and temperature. Results: The dynamic structure of disturbed fluid media at the time of rolling stock arrival and departure has been established. Practical importance: Factors of design solutions of tunnel portal part affecting the process of air exchange at the combined work of ventilation and piston effect of moving trains have been determined.
piston effect, Pitot cylindrical pressure tube PFM, SCB cabinets, CFD modeling, pressure field, anemometer, air temperature
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