Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Objective: To analyze the situation arising with the fleet of freight cars, to find out the reasons causing the deficit and surplus of cars on the railway network, to consider the factors affecting the size of the deficit and surplus, to assess the importance of the technological factor when operating a car fleet for some participants in the transportation process. Methods: Methods of analysis of indicators of railway operation, including analysis of the use of the car fleet, indices of the daily rate of provision of cars by type, the accounting documentation of the owner of the railway transport infrastructure of Russia and the companies of owners and operators of rolling stock is studied. Results: The analysis of the factors influencing the values of the deficit and surplus of the car fleet showed the need to reduce the turnover of the car, which in turn affects the size of the working fleet of cars. Practical importance: The obtained results of the analysis of the problem contribute to the assessment of the significance of factors affecting the situation that develops when operating a car fleet. Reducing the deficit and surplus of cars, saving time and money resources will contribute to improving the quality of services in railway transport.

car fleet, car fleet management, car deficit, car surplus, car turnover

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