Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Payment and control of travel is an integral part of the work of transport, including the metro. The division of the metro network into zones will make it possible to abandon the annual sharp jump in the one-time fare, which will make the metro more attractive to passengers and at the same time increase the profitability of the metro. The article discusses the zone payment for metro travel in some foreign countries, as well as options for its implementation in Russia. Four variants were given, based on foreign experience and author's proposals, some of which have no analogues in the world. The infrastructure of the St. Petersburg Metro was taken as the basis for the implementation of this idea and it was concluded that the existing infrastructure will partially use the options considered. The approximate boundaries of the zones of the St. Petersburg metro have also been developed. The conclusion is made about the preferred use of one of the proposed options in the conditions of the existing infrastructure. In the future, it is recommended to build a ring line in the St. Petersburg metro to reduce the load of transfer stations in the city center, more uniform movement of passengers and the ability to pay less for passenger travel.

metro, zone payment, zonal fare, fare control, subway fare, Russian metro, St. Petersburg metro

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