Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The analysis of sorting device used at the station of the network was carried out, stations with the use of low-power slides were identified.

marshaling hills, railway stations

1. Programmy razvitiya sortirovochnyh stanciy na perspektivu do 2030 goda

2. Dannye predostavlennye DCS-4 Nalichie sortirovochnyh ustroystv po stanciyam na 28.02.2022 goda

3. Ministerstvo Putey Soobscheniya Rossiyskoy Federacii Pravila i normy proektirovaniya sortirovochnyh ustroystv na zheleznyh dorogah kolei 1520 mm/ Moskva: 2003, s. 10-24, s. 36-56, s.71-73.

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