Transport systems of the N.S. Solomenko institute of transport problems of the Russian academy of sciences (Laboratory of safety problems of transport systems, head of the laboratory)
Russian Federation
UDK 656.21 Эксплуатация железных дорог. Перегоны. Здания. Станции. Вокзалы
An important problem in transport in modern conditions is caused by the appearance of mobile objects (traction train of railway transport, cars, etc.) on gas fuel. Storage and maintenance of such facilities in depots, garages, repair shops is associated with the risk of explosion and fire in case of gas leakage, which is especially dangerous in closed volumes. In this regard, it is necessary to conduct a computer simulation of the hazards of an explosion and subsequent fire and propose measures to ensure the safety of structures and facilities and personnel located in them
depots, garages, explosion safety, fire safety, explosion hazards
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11. Potashev D.A. O probleme vzryvopozharoopasnosti podzemnyh avtostoyanok // Problemy upravleniya riskami v tehnosfere, 2021, №4 (60), s.132-139.