Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Guaranteeing traffic safety remains one of the most important tasks of railway transport. In the current operating conditions of railway transport, ensuring the necessary level of safety is achieved through the use of modern management methods and tools. International experience confirms that one of the effective ways to improve traffic safety is the introduction of a safety management system by all participants in the transportation process. Today, the traffic safety management system in the railway transport of the Republic of Kazakhstan has been implemented and operates only for carriers of goods and passengers, which does not fully balance the interests of service users and participants in the transportation process. Therefore, it is necessary to introduce a safety management model in railway transport, which will be integrated among all participants in the transportation process. The implementation of the integrated safety model will increase the level of traffic safety, make rail transport more attractive for the transportation of passengers and cargo delivery, as well as improve the management of traffic safety in railway transport in general. This will lead to sustainable development and continuous improvement of railway transport safety, which will contribute to increasing the profitability and profitability of railway transportation activities

Railway transport, traffic safety, ensuring the safety of traffic,traffic safety management system, risks, the concept of development of a traffic safety management system

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