Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The agricultural complex is expanding its acreage for grain, thereby increasing the yield, which consequently entails an increase in the volume of grain cargo transportation, especially in autumn and winter. Carrying out the supply chain of grain cargoes in international traffic, the technological capabilities of each type of transport, regulatory legal acts regulating the delivery of grain cargoes in international traffic, as well as the epidemiological situation in the world recently, which has made adjustments to the vital activity of all mankind, are taken into account. The Republic of Kazakhstan supplies grain to such countries as Vietnam, Iran, China, Italy, Spain. The strategy of introducing the integration of transport logistics into the developing architecture of international transport corridors offers coordinated measures-actions for the modernization of the Institute of transport, the use of effective business models for managing production activities, as well as improving investment attractiveness. But in the current epidemiological situation, with the tightening of quarantine (anti-covid measures), there is a reduction in human participation in the entire technological supply chain of goods, especially during international transportation, i.e. when crossing state borders. This restriction applies directly to agricultural goods involved in the supply chain of goods in universal covered wagons. Complex transportation consists in the transportation of grain cargoes (wheat) in large-capacity containers that can freely cross state borders, as well as move freely on the territory of different states

railway transport, grain cargo, complex transportation, ensuring the safety of grain cargo, container transportation

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