Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
A non-stationary network model of the managing hardware and software com- plex in the form of a non-stationary service network is considered. The number of applications in the non-stationary service network is equivalent to the number of control operations in the technological schedule for managing mobile objects. The model considers the type of service requests, priority and availability of service channels for each type of applications. The method of forming the coefficient ma- trix of the system of homogeneous differential Chapman-Kolmogorov equations, describing the behavior of the non-stationary service network, is presented. Using the recursive algorithm for numbering states of a non-stationary service network, the matrix of coefficients of the system of Chapman-Kolmogorov homogeneous differential equations is reduced to a lower-triangular form, which allows, with SHAPE \* MERGEFORMAT the specification of the initial conditions, to bring the system of differential equa- tions to the numerical-analytical method of solution. The results of calculating the probabilistic-temporal characteristics of the service of applications, received us- ing the proposed method and simulation modeling, are given. Areas of use of the non-stationary network model for forming the workload of hardware and software complexes located in the mobile objects control loop are proposed.

non-stationary service system, differential equations, coefficient matrix, applica- tion, network model

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