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Abstract (English):
Efficient method of searching the optimum solutionof transportation problem by minimum price criterionA systematic approach to achieve the goals is more often being used by the managers of various organizations in making important decisions.Implementing of a systematic approach is impossible without of fi nding the alternative options for achieving these goals, and of choosing the best option based on given criteria or its combination.The only relatively low-cost option of producing the alternatives is the mathematical simulating of the company’s activity within the required conditions.Mathematical simulating of transport systems is the basis of a systematic analysis of the activity of these systems in order to improve the effi ciency and to reduce the prime cost. One of the most diffi cult tasks of the transportation fi eld is to manage the traffi c fl ow of cars. At JSC «Russian Railways» the ASUZHT automated system is created and used, and is constantly being improved and updated by the means of optimization modules, that use solutions of linear programming problems.The methods for solving linear programming problems are well-known a simplex method, a potential method, an artificial basis technique, Vogel’s approximation method, etc.The article describes the formulation and the solution of a closed transportation problem. It suggests a new method of finding the optimal solution for the transportation problem, which provides the desired solution in fewer steps. The method is similar to the potential method, but the actual potentials of the rows and columns are not calculated. The basis of the method is the building of the reference solution by using the minimum price method, and the second part of the method, using the optimality criterion, that was introduced in the already known potential method, allows to quickly find the best plan by elimination from the basis the plan element with a maximum price, and by introduction into the basis a new element (cell) with lower price.

transportation problem, linear programming problem, minimum price criterion, reference solution, optimal solution, selected on the basis of preset criterion, basis variables, potentials of rows and columns
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