Russian Federation
The article proposes a GPSS model of servers (MOU) of complex queuing systems (SSMO) based on the batchwise formalization of application arrivals. MOU is a development of the batch dynamic simulation method (MPDM) in order to provide the possibility of assessment not only the boot options of SSMO and its devices, but also the timing characteristics of application service process. The requirement of timing characteristics assessment for applications service process defines the necessity of taking into account the following states of MOU: the occupation of one application-batch of several device models in multi-phase branch at the same time; the occupation of one MOU by several applications-batches at the same time; the direction of application-batch to the drive when it is impossible to take MOU by the ration of server performance and the intensity of the input stream. To simulate these states in GPSS framework the article proposes to use multi-channel “memory” hardware object, on the basis of which the application-batch service MOU is synthesized. MPDM, based on MOU library enables to operational research to evaluate the full range of SSMO performance characteristics while reducing computing time costs by tens of times. The article shows that a promising object of research for the purpose of verification of MPDM adequacy and for obtaining practical advice for the organization of operation modes of servers are the service processes of passenger traffic in subway interchange hubs.
complex queuing systems, batch of application, batch dynamic simulation method, model of service devices, network SSMO model
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