Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Purpose: the directions of application of new information and telecommunication technologies for the organization of the process of advanced training, additional training and retraining of specialists of JSC “Russian Railways” are considered. The main purpose of the study is to study the problem of forecasting an increase in the efficiency of the use of railway transport by reducing losses from unskilled actions of personnel. Methods: the research method is based on the implementation of the principle that in terms of funding, additional training and retraining differ significantly. Results: remote retraining and retraining of railway transport workers is a complex of interrelated organizational, technical, technological, financial and methodological tasks that ensure the functioning of this system. Practical significance: the mathematical formulation of the problem presented in the article to determine the economic feasibility of organizing remote professional development and retraining of personnel during its implementation allows for the assessment and forecast of the main parameters of the functioning f the system of retraining and retraining of personnel of JSC “Russian Railways”. The criteria adopted in the model fairly objectively characterize the effectiveness of the functioning of the system under consideration.

computer technologies of training, “professional development of personnel” through the introduction of new information and telecommunication technologies
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