Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Objective: consider the development of modern concepts of IoT and Smart grid from the point of view of effective implementation on existing production facilities, in particular, on the metro power supply network. Show the need to develop a scientific and methodological apparatus for the formation of intelligent monitoring and control subsystems, taking into account the introduction of new developments into existing complexes. Determine the features of the metro power supply network and its monitoring and subsystems, indicating development paths taking into account existing new technologies. Develop a methodology for forming a subsystem for monitoring and managing the metro power supply network. Methods: analysis of structures for constructing intelligent monitoring and control subsystems according to modern concepts; analysis of existing monitoring and control subsystems of the metro power supply network. When developing the methodology, semi-Markov models are used to simulate the functioning and recovery processes, and an empirical mode decomposition method is proposed for processing monitoring data. Results: a methodology has been developed for forming a subsystem for monitoring and controlling the metro power supply network. A model and analytical apparatus is proposed for modeling the processes of functioning and recovery and for carrying out work with diagnostic data. A list of method parameters has been generated. Practical importance: the proposed methodology for forming a subsystem for monitoring and controlling the power supply network makes it possible to substantiate the necessary composition, structure and requirements for diagnostic and control tools. This methodology can be applied in the development of new multi-parameter metro complexes, in the formation of justifications for modernization and sections of technical specifications and requirements.

metro power supply network, intelligent monitoring systems IoT and Smart grid, methodology for forming a monitoring and control subsystem, semi-Markov model, data processing, introduction of new technologies
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