Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The implementation of railway automation and remote control systems on a microprocessor circuit technology involves significant capital investments compared to their relay counterparts. Therefore, it is advisable to use an integrated system with a comprehensive distributed architecture for automating train traffic control in an extended area from reference stations. This, in turn, requires the development of a technology for organizing the transportation process. The article discusses the technology of interlocking control at reference stations, as well as justifies a list of responsible commands implemented in a safe control computing complex, taking into account the exclusion of some interdependence checks in the distributed placement of equipment of object controllers and malfunctions in the operation of railway automation and remote control systems. The efficiency of the proposed technological scheme for the extended control zone of the polygon is considered. Keywords: railway automation and remote control systems; microprocessor interlocking; automated workplace; reference station; control computing complex; object controller; coupling device; reference station operator; train dispatcher; responsible command; polygon control technologies.

railway automation and remote control systems, microprocessor interlocking, automated workplace, reference station, control computing complex, object controller, coupling device, reference station operator, train dispatcher, responsible command, polygon control technologies
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