Category: Monitoring methods in transport systems


Zimovets A. I. , Khomonenko A. D.

The problem of choosing a model of a database management system for a space monitoring system is being solved. The main source of data on events occurring in near-Earth outer space are currently radar and optical information-observational means. The same space objects, most of which are space debris, can be tracked by several complexes in one daily observation session. Information about all space objects is stored in a single large database. When working with big data in the space monitoring system, it is important to make a reasonable choice of a model of a database management system taking into account the speed of access to stored data. A comparative analysis of the performance of relational (PostgreSQL) and non-relational (MongoDB) database management systems by the time of performing the operations of inserting, updating and searching records is presented. It is concluded that it is advisable to choose a nonrelational (NoSQL) model for storing data on space objects in the space monitoring system. An aggregate information model is proposed for storing data on space objects in a space monitoring system using a non-relational database management system.

Key words:
aggregate information model, database, outer space, space monitoring, space debris, database management system, NoSQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Oracle

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